Whether in underground garages, greenhouses or shipbuilding: electrical installations requiring increased protection from environmental conditions are found everywhere. Experience and competence in designing and installing the electrical system always plays a decisive role, but especially in these areas. But how does it look in practice? Difficult installation conditions and increased time pressure often lead to mistakes, loss of the environmental protection, and ultimately to failure of the system. With just a few basic components, including connectors, panel-mount connectors, distribution units and cable assemblies, complex installations from the distribution panel up to each point of demand can be accomplished. This saves time and costs.
RST16i5/4 (4-/5-pole) |
RST20i3/2 - RST25i3 (2-/3-pole) |
RST20i5/4 - RST25i5 (4-/5-pole) |
RST50i5/4 (4-/5-pole) |
Downloads> RST® - Catalog 2016 (0690.1)> Outdoor electrical installations (0693.1) |
Technical consultation, installation technologyPhone: +359 (2) 988 10 57
Email: office@wieland-electric.bg |