Whenever power flows and signals are processed, interface products from Wieland Electric demonstrate their unique strength. With the wide offering of relays, the components for power supply and overvoltage protection, as well as the interface modules and analog isolation amplifiers, your application also becomes a genuine multi-talent.
Power supplieswiposPower supplies perform a central function in control cabinets. Their reliability has a great deal of impact on machine uptime and process productivity. |
Coupling relays / solid state relaysflare MOVEInterface relays are used for electrical isolation and potential-free switching operation, and are even available in modular pluggable versions for frequent switching applications. With a width starting at 6.2 mm they pack a lot of functionality into a compact footprint. The solid-state semiconductor relays are suitable for wear-free switching at lower capacities. |
Timer and switching relaysflare TIMEThe electronic timer relays flare TIME are perfectly suited for standard monitoring and control tasks, to control process operations to the nearest second. Depending on the application, multi-voltage and multifunctional relays are available. |
Measuring and monitoring relaysflare CONTROLElectronic measurement and monitoring relays for measuring input quantities such as current, voltage, phase, cos Phi, temperature and isolation resistance. Our relays perform monitoring tasks in machines and systems. |
Analog amplifiercoresAnalog amplifiers and signal conditioners for measurement of current, voltage and temperature in industrial environments, all with the highest precision. They prevent disturbances from impacting the measurement result and therefore ensure a proper control loop and control circuit result. This ensures high system and machine availability, and saves real money. |
Overvoltage protectionwietapSurge protection devices for voltage and signal interference protect electrical and electronic systems against high-power overvoltage caused, for example, by lightning strikes. Versions designed specifically for photovoltaic applications, as well as devices certified for use in North and Central America, are also available. |
Downloads> Interface - Catalog 2016 (0800.1) |
Technical consultation, industrial automation electronicsPhone:+359 (2) 988 10 57
Email: office@wieland-electric.bg |