Power bus system, industrial - podis®

Power bus system, industrial - podis®

Remote power distribution and automation - economy and high flexibility are the key factors in modern system planning. Especially for power distribution, innovative approaches and solutions are in demand. Intelligent installation systems replace the classical star distribution. Wieland offers you a holistic concept for power distribution, e.g. in conveying technology and industrial systems. Passive and active fieldbus distributors, connectors and comprehensive accessories are available for your overall solution.

podis CON
Power bus
podis® CON

The podis® CON power bus is an innovative solution in remote power distribution. The system includes fixed and pluggable power power taps and active field components.

podis MOT
Field distributors
podis® MOT

The podis® MOT field distributors supply the remotely switched drives with power and connect them to the 24 V auxiliary voltage and the fieldbus.

podis SWITCH
AS-i connection
podis® SWITCH

Single-phase switch on the AS-i bus system.


podis MCU/MSS
Motor starter on the AS-i
podis® MCU / podis® MSS

The remote podis® MCU motor starters are supplied with power via thepodis® CON and parametrized and controlled via the AS-i bus system.

podis LED
LED lights on power bus
podis® LED

Pluggable LED lights for direct adaptation to the power bus.

> podis® catalog decentralized automation (0830.1)
> Motor starter podis® - Brochure (0833.1)
> Operation manual podis® MOT FP C 2I2IO/RS485 (BA000349)
Technical consultation, industrial automation electronics
Phone: +359 (2) 988 10 57
Email: office@wieland-electric.bg

Website fromStenik